Tag: leap of faith

When Love Leads Our Way.

[blockquote source=”Thích Nhất Hạnh”]“Through my love for you, I want to express my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of humanity, and all beings…This is the real message of love.”[/blockquote]

In her book, Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships, author Marianne Williamson offers that “love is a hero’s journey.” That though this path may seem difficult, at best – it is most certainly a noble one.

Isn’t it always the case, that we set forth with this intention of love – only to have ‘thinking mind’ stop us dead in our tracks.

You’re going to get hurt again,” she prattles on skeptically. “Do you want to seem the fool again?

And though she may seem to have our best interests at heart, remember – her past hurt runs far deeper than her fear.

My darlings, to share this energy of love may seem an impossible task – as, it requires an openness of heart, and the willingness to be healed.

And, oh my goodness, healing is never easy. Particularly, in those moments when we feel our whole Universe ‘closing in.’

We become fearful, apprehensive…worried over the ‘what might have beens’ and this treacherous path that lay ahead.

Until we take that first bold step…a ‘leap of faith’, my darlings, into Love’s indisputable richness. Taking, perhaps, our greatest risk – to lay down these spiritual ‘arms’, and choose to live fully this life again.

“We all make mistakes, we all have fears, and we all have weaknesses. Behind all that is our essential self. When our essential self has made contact with another, the light is dazzling and would fill the universe. The challenge of enchantment is to remain faithful to that light, to believe in it when it is not so apparent. Then that light becomes an incandescent glow and it wraps itself around everything.” ― Marianne Williamson

Indeed, with a love this great we could we could easily fill up this world.