Tag: homeless

What Measures our Worth?

I watched a homeless man sifting through the trash bins this morning. His eyes were fixed with the promise of determination and the will of heart to carry on.

“I gotta do my shopping,” he grinned as he placed a half-eaten sandwich into his bag. “One man’s trash, another’s bounty!”

One might expect a man of ‘such little means’ to feel ashamed. Though, quite the opposite – in fact. To him, it was a source of pride to have persevered for so very long.

Several years ago, I made the mistake of offering him some cash. “I never once asked for nothing,” he crowed. “And, I don’t need nothing now.”

I was wrong to presume his poverty; to second guess the manner in which he embraced this path. To him, this life was a bold adventure not for the feint of heart. While he, a fearless explorer, enriched by the challenge ahead.

In spite of his circumstances, he was neither fearful nor clinging. Rather, he embraced the transience of a bolder unfolding; an acceptance of life, just as it is.

How foolish we are to assume a stature of being simply through presence of material things. Truth be told, he was freer than many. And his was a life of assurance through moments, the best of which spent unhurried.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

The Mutuality of Our Experience.

A homeless man gave me a hug today. “You make my everyday special,” he said grinning. Then paused for a moment simply to say, “Some people have the gift of a worldly smile.”

We know each other just in passing. In total, less than a hundred words – but, enough to know the need. The kindness of ‘smile’, the warmth of ‘touch’ – a gesture of commonality amidst the rustling of humanity.

To some, passings are marked with a cruel hesitance – a disservice to self, as well as, to others. With implications larger than thoughts may assess; a disparity of contrast where community is needed.

And, ever always this lasting heart – which sets aside what past imparts. Knowing each has felt their ‘hour of need’, in spite of the circumstances which led us there.

In this we find our shared experience; the blessing of oneness in a world of many.

We are more than our thoughts, we are action in the end.

In peace, my darlings- thank you for being the source of my ‘everyday smile.’

Namaste ❤️

Of Heart Unto Hand.

I was locked in traffic when I happened upon a young man on a bicycle signing to an elderly homeless man.

I’ve watched him before, making his rounds – in the earliest hours of morning, before the traffic thickens. His mission? To be of service, to those at mercy’s end.

And, where others may hesitate to engage – this man assures extra measure. In his satchel, a clean towel, a shaving razor and a travel sized can of foam.

For the blessing of a smile, the benefit of a shave. But, now so – in the simplicity of this offering, he’s gifted the capacity to begin anew.

This is the choice extended each day; to stand within the grace of good intention – or, brave the extension of heart unto hand.

Choices, my loves…choices.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️