Tag: hiraeth

The Heart of Hiraeth.

I happened upon a most beautiful word the other day. As a writer, you can imagine my excitement upon this magnificent discovery.

The word is “hiraeth” – a Welsh word, whose meaning is elusive in many different languages. Though, for many of us here – we instinctively know.

Often translated as an intense longing, though, in reality – its meaning is far more complex. As, it incorporates a much deeper spiritual aspect.

To feel hiraeth is to experience a sense of incompleteness…a profound yearning born from the very recesses of our soul.

Something, we’ve all experienced – I know.

Close your eyes and feel it with me – think of those far off places that have yet to be explored. The dreamer in you is calling – at first a whisper, a gentle urge…until that ‘call’ is all that can be heard.

My darlings, we are all born with this yearning within – driving us forward, and into those places we most fear.

It wakes us from our darkest sleep, pulls back those sheers and lets our heart awaken.

It’s hiraeth which beckons our soul to come ‘home’ ~ and, today my darlings, hiraeth is the word I love most of all ~

“Hiraeth beckons with wordless call,
Hear, my soul, with heart enthrall’d.
Hiraeth whispers while earth I roam;
Here I wait the call “come home.”

Like seagull cry, like sea borne wind,
That speak with words beyond my ken,
A longing deep with words unsaid,
Calls a wanderer home instead.

I heed your call, Hiraeth, I come
On westward path to hearth and home.
My path leads on to western shore,
My heart tells me there is yet more.

Within my ears the sea air sighs;
The sunset glow, it fills my eyes.
I stand at edge of sea and earth,
My bare feet washed in gentle surf.

Hiraeth’s longing to call me on,
Here, on shore, in setting sun.
Hiraeth calls past sunset fire,
“Look beyond, come far higher!” –author, Tim Davis (c) 2007, used by permission

The Heart of Hiraeth.

I happened upon a most beautiful word the other day. As a writer, you can imagine my excitement upon this magnificent discovery.

The word is “hiraeth” – a Welsh word, whose meaning is elusive in many different languages. Though, for many of us here – we instinctively know.

Often translated as an intense longing, though, in reality – its meaning is far more complex. As, it incorporates a much deeper spiritual aspect.

To feel hiraeth is to experience a sense of incompleteness…a profound yearning born from the very recesses of our soul.

Something, we’ve all experienced – I know.

Close your eyes and feel it with me – think of those far off places that have yet to be explored. The dreamer in you is calling – at first a whisper, a gentle urge…until that ‘call’ is all that can be heard.

My darlings, we are all born with this yearning within – driving us forward, and into those places we most fear.

It wakes us from our darkest sleep, pulls back those sheers and lets our heart awaken.

It’s hiraeth which beckons our soul to come ‘home’ ~ and, today my darlings, hiraeth is the word I love most of all ~

“Hiraeth beckons with wordless call,
Hear, my soul, with heart enthrall’d.
Hiraeth whispers while earth I roam;
Here I wait the call “come home.”

Like seagull cry, like sea borne wind,
That speak with words beyond my ken,
A longing deep with words unsaid,
Calls a wanderer home instead.

I heed your call, Hiraeth, I come
On westward path to hearth and home.
My path leads on to western shore,
My heart tells me there is yet more.

Within my ears the sea air sighs;
The sunset glow, it fills my eyes.
I stand at edge of sea and earth,
My bare feet washed in gentle surf.

Hiraeth’s longing to call me on,
Here, on shore, in setting sun.
Hiraeth calls past sunset fire,
“Look beyond, come far higher!” – author, Tim Davis (c) 2007, used by permission