Tag: Hafiz

An Unimpeded Light.

“I wish I could show you,” writes Hafiz “the astonishing light of your own being.” These delicate frailties of all that we are, amplified against the drape of endless sky.

That you alone might find the ambience of love in a house ripe with loneliness and fear; knowing always that the soul shall rise unimpeded by this prospect of uncertainty.

And, you shall find your way again, as twilight yields to the grace of new day.

“What has risen from the tangled web of thought and sinew,” he shares. “Now shines with jubilation through the eyes of angels.”

Serving always to remind us, darlings – that we alone, create the barriers. And we, alone, mind the gates.

You see, beneath these labels of constricted identify we find the source of a boundless wisdom – permeating the depths of any darkness, this ever-evolving potential of all that we might be.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

A Deserving Sort of Happiness.

“Are you happy,” I asked, hopeful my question might help to reveal an aspect of self long withheld.

“Never,” he replied, his voice stricken with a deliberate knowing. As if admission of happiness were a presumption of guilt.

Why do we keep ourselves from that which we need though believe we can’t have? Are we unworthy to stand before this vastlessness that is our birthright? Prisoners of our own eradication. And, our penance…?

A joyless life.

Some will say that life is suffering; though, I believe – life is attachment. That which we hold, that which we believe – that which we’ve courage enough to release. A momentary extension of self unto circumstance, all of which – our choosing.

“I wish I could show you,” Hafiz once shared. “when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

Perhaps, we are hesitant to experience, frightened it might be swept away?

Though, when we finally experience a joy unimpeded – we realize, it is an inescapable aspect of our being.

In peace, my darlings…

Namaste ❤️

Leaving the Familiar Behind.

“Leave the familiar for a while,” writes Hafiz. “Let your senses and bodies stretch out like a welcomed season onto the meadows and shores and hills….Greet Yourself in your thousand other forms”

Such an empowering message this morning – one which marks the urgency in our being.

That is to say:

Each day we are gifted a myriad of opportunities to ‘leave the familiar behind’ – to take the ultimate risk, to embrace the thrill of a life fully lived.

And, yet…

Here we stand precarious of our journey, too afraid to venture forward another step.

We are frozen in this space of never knowing what comes next. And, so we sit complacent – yet horribly depressed.

But, with every journey there is a fear, a risk – a wondering of “will I ever make it home again?”

Until we find ‘courage enough’ to greet ourselves in one of those thousand other forms.

From the poet, Hafiz – “Hemispheres”; I do hope you’ll enjoy.

Much love, dears – and namaste.


Hemispheres by Hafiz

Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out

Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadows and shores and hills.

Open up to the Roof.
Make a new water-mark on your excitement
And love.

Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.

Change rooms in your mind for a day.

All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.

Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.

All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire

While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of