Tag: grow

What You Think Will Grow.

“Don’t give it energy,” my mother would often say.

She was referring to our inclination to fixate; to attach the heaviness of thought to what should be a transient condition.

“Remember, what you think will grow…” And, she was right.

Like watering the seeds, our attention yields. Whether grief, sadness, mistrust – or, optimism and faith…the decision is always ours.

Which do we choose to invite? And which do we ask to stay?

Though the inclination may be strong, even a hurricane knows its rest. Let that be the test. Let patience be your focal point.

And, when you discover that these stories no longer bind – you’ll find the freedom you’ve sought for so very long.

What you think will grow…

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤

How We May Grow.

“Every morning,” author E. B. White once shared, “I awaken torn between the desire to save the world and the inclination to savor it.”

Each day, we awaken to the possibility of becoming more intimately aware – of our surroundings, of creation, of our capacity to evolve within it. We begin to see ourselves in the overall context of the ‘great machine’ – as the ‘values’ of greed, lust and desire give way to the promise of happiness through kinder living.

It’s all happening around us, or so it seems – the grinding halt of day to day. And we, distracted by this ‘noise’, crave more – more peace, more stability, more contentment of heart.

We assume it’s this longing which pulls us away – though, isn’t it really our focus? A longing to grasp versus a longing to let go?

All around us, poverty…wars… growing destitution. Yet, also somewhere within – our ability to interrelate; to widen the aperture of our focus and grow in connection with all living beings.

And, so begins each new day – with the desire to save or the inclination to savor.

For me, I welcome it all.

In peace…

Namaste ❤