Tag: gratitude

With Gratitude As Our Teacher.

I was lucky to have grown up in a ‘giving’ household. Every weekend was marked by a flurry of activities, as my mother worked tirelessly to prepare for the guests who might visit.

We never knew who might drop by, though rest assured, there was always a space left open at the table. Even if only symbolic in nature, this practice of generosity and openess served as the focal point for the home. For me, it served as an essential beginning – a place of rest in an often unforgiving world.

Even today, when I feel myself succumbing to the stress – I take a breath, close my eyes…and rest knowing that this moment is never without compromise.

Try as we might, it’s often difficult to disentangle the role of actor and observer. In a perfect world, our presence would be umarred by inner dialogue – our experiences deepened by the subtle things which stir our soul. In time, we’d learn to place the long breath of gratitude before the bias of ego.

In his poem, The Waking, Theodore Roethke presents an avenue for self-exploration:

“Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me, so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.”

To some, the light defines – fixing itself upon the crisp edges and thereby limiting. While, to others, the light enriches – offering new ‘paths’ ripe for discovery.

For me, the light of gratitude has – and shall always be – my greatest teacher.

In peace, sweet friends..

Namaste ❣

How Beautiful This World.

“How beautiful the world,” writes Herman Hesse, “when one looked without searching.” To see that of its own simplicity, without the lure or advancements of need; that is what it means to see.

It is only when the heart is open that the eyes may begin to appreciate the subtlety of a lasting peace, made whole through the verity of all. We see it all when we turn nothing away.

Can we turn away from the politics long enough to savor a single drop of rain? In the distance, a car door slams never knowing it’s hurry.

They say the space between is where the soul must chance to further its endeavor… in this, the now and for the sake of ever.

In peace, my sweet friends…I pray this day lends clarity to circumstance.

Namaste ❣️

In This We Are Revealed.

One of the most important questions we may face in our spiritual journey forces a full and inward examination, divested of all material reasoning. That is, how may we reconcile a heart of giving with one that has suffered an an immeasurable loss?

Are the values which draw us nearer – empathy, patience, equanimity and love – the same which open us to pain? And, once exposed, do we lose or do we gain?

How easily we are swayed by the permanence of loss. We assume it’s lasting effects – a void that can never be filled. But even a hole can be warmed by the sun. In time, its edges may fade yielding a new luminance in the broken, jagged stone.

Knowing this, can we find heart enough to ‘excuse’ its crime? The imprint of lesson left behind?

My friends, oh how could we have known – just as we are broken, we are subsequently revealed.

In peace and Happy Thanksgiving to all…

Namaste ❣️

Life, Just As It Is.

Take a moment, my friends – tell me, what are you most grateful for today? Is it the way in which the twilight shifts, graciously offering this platform of sky? Or, the cadence by which the goslings alert their cry?

A new day has only just begun, and with it a cascading of limitless potential. Yet, how often do we pause to effect our notice?

In gratitude we offer our prayers – “Dear Lord, thank you for this day.” Inevitably, we acknowledge its goodness and favor.

But what if life offers an alternate plan? Can we realize its substance through the debilitating pain? As Jack Kornfield once wrote, “to awaken a joyful freedom, a benevolent and compassionate heart in spite of everything.”

We have so much to be grateful for, including that which helps to sustain an awakening of spirit. And without which we’d fail to deepen our confidence in life itself: that this aspect of our growth is never without reason.

Let yourself sit quietly today, opening to the benefit and subtlety of our our practice. And, knowing that with a restful heart, we shall always find our ease.

Be grateful for this day, yes. And also for those lessons guarded safely within it.

In peace, my sweet friends…

Namaste ❤️

Living Gently Upon This Earth.

Joan Chittister writes that it is our awareness of the sacred which holds this world together; that even the darkness deserves our gratitude.

Though how might we treat each day with equanimity, allowing the benefit of experience to light our way? And, how do we preserve the light of truth when the driving rains threaten its flame?

As humans, we tend to hold our heart in isolation, further divided by passing labels. In the throes of upset, the chest tightens and the breath draws in. And we may then pull away, ‘knowing’ our destiny before it’s revealed. Even though the energy of any moment quickly dissipated, still we fixate…we feel beholden.

Yet, ask yourself – what is it that you’re clinging to? The promise of passing or the reasonability of endurance?

And, stepping into the fullness of our role within this – that is to extent ‘the light of our own souls to the dim places around us’ and live gently upon this earth.

In peace…

Namaste ❤

This Blessing of Moment.

“You’re humming,” he said, “people don’t hum anymore.” In looking over, I saw the proud smile of an elderly man, lines worn deeply through the prospect of truly living. We shared coffee together over the morning hum of patrons and passersby – pausing only to take the moment in.

“Days need to be savored,” he said. “A moment lost is indeed a tragedy.”

And, though he had experienced great suffering in his life – a widower having lost his only son. Still, he smiled with endless courage – to enjoy these blessings yet remaining.

“Take nothing for granted,” he shared.

Indeed, the greater tragedy is to become numb to this world; to lose ourselves in a passing distress. For a moment lost she’ll never make its way again; time marches boldly on.

“Keep humming,” he winked and with that we said goodbye ~ knowing this day had found life through the kindness of another.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Through This Process of Doing.

My darlings, this morning I’m feeling a particularly deepened sense of gratitude ~ one born from the energy shared so freely here.

For, just as the sun waits patiently to greet – I know, your presence will be with me each day.

Such a blessing, don’t you think? To have the honor of serving a light which has become so precious to me.

And, with each day – new messages, from all aspects of ‘world’… all penned lovingly with the ink of unconditionality. With every action, we build; with each new intention, we grow. All beginning from ‘one post’ which soon became a community. Our blessings are counted through this process of doing.

For this, I am ever grateful.

Because of you, my heart has found its resting place.

Because of you, I shall always know this peace.

Bowing humbly, my darlings…

Namaste ❤️

Where the Heart Is.

“The point of Christmas,” shares Lama Rod Owens, “is to be in the places that need you.”

How simple the act, my darlings – this persistence of hope and promise of belief. A delicate weaving – born of the practice of right way and right thinking.

“Good will to all men” – these heralds proclaim. A testimony that Christmas begins where the heart is.

Happy Christmas my beautiful friends ~ you’ve made each moment brighter through the gift of your being.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Of What Might Be.

Today’s inspiration, my loves ~ ‘be grateful for what you have in this moment now, and ever-mindful of what may become.’

For time slips by without much consideration for the hopes and dreams kept tucked inside.

While heart presents need for thoughtful engagement of the world and this glory which surrounds.

Be grateful for what you have, my loves – for within this bounty life’s purpose abounds.

And always the greater question of now is an acknowledgement of what might become.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Navigating these Floodwaters of Fear.

My darlings, we are living in a profoundly difficult time. And, day by day we are reminded through the lens of the ‘unbiased media.’

We see images of violent unrest, a convergence of political rhetoric upon yet unhealed wounds. We claims to understand the struggle of neighbor, though – have we ever known the pain of a crippling hunger?

Within, we try to reconcile, to find the middle ground. But in order for reconciliation to be properly effected, it must be absent ‘the cause.’

Because, finding peace requires a settling of heart; a joining of spirit through unimpeded love.

To experience unity, we must first be whole. To bridge the divide, we must lean forward.

My darlings, it takes great compassion to weather these storms – for both ourselves and for others. We may feel overwhelmed by the rising current of fear, though always – the floodwaters yield opportunity for new growth. Seeds seemingly stripped from the branches, inevitably become the forest of tomorrow.

Just a little something to remember, my loves ~ we become who we are through a challenging of way.

In peace…and, happy holiday to all.

Namaste ❤️