Tag: fixed mind

The Dharma of Letting Go.

[blockquote source=”C. JoyBell C.”]“The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go.” [/blockquote]

“Regard all thoughts as dreams…” I remember the first time I heard those words. I was attending a lecture on mindfulness, and the speaker was beloved Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron.

At first, I thought I understood her message – of course, never knowing, it would take many years for the lesson to settle in. Such is the case when our perceptions are challenged – the greater the impact, the longer it may take to digest.

Likewise, there are just some things which can not ever be fully described by words…

The warmth of community, the lightness of discovery…or even, that sense of openness shared only through the bonds of unconditional love.

To offer words in the place of true heart sentiment, would seem such a shame….and, horribly limiting.

But, so often we view words as the easier way around – quick labels, intended to be universally understood, and translatable regardless of any circumstances.

The tree is green, the sky is blue…and, that manager at work? Oh, well, you know, don’t you?

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ― Anton Chekhov

See….not so easy, is it?

You see, somewhere between the absence of understanding and our realization of truth – an uncomfortable energy begins to take hold, and causing us to grasp for the security of the familiar.

The label is the quick fix, the going deeper – is food for the soul.

[blockquote source=”Jelaluddin Rumi”]

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.


It’s within these moments, that I have found the greatest opportunity for opening. But, we must learn to acknowledge our thoughts with the grace and loving-kindness they deserve.

I know this must sound silly, but I literally say ‘hello’ to any emotions which may arise – and greeting them as a beloved visitor, carrying the gift of a new found understanding.

“Hello, ‘agitated because your expectations weren’t met'”

“And, how are you today ‘feeling small at the hands of someone else’s criticism’?”

In doing so, I’m able to loosen my grip – on all that is perceived, in place of the divine.

And, my dears, it’s never too late change our ways – why not let today be your day of letting go? You might find that life isn’t as ‘fixed’ as you may think.

Namaste, my dears ~ and remember, that no matter the mistakes or misteps…you are always loved in this moment, now.