Tag: fearless

A Morning Reminder of Love.

There was a scratching at my door this morning. Softly, at first–as if asking permission–then on to a tempered urgency.

As the fog of morning sleep lifted, I remembered. I remembered the deep aching into my bones and the searing pain at the base of my neck. I remembered of the stack of dishes still left unwashed in the sink, and my residual irritation at a neighbor’s late night ‘gathering’.

And, then?

I remembered gently closing my door on this beautiful little creature who only wanted to show his love. “Not tonight, sweetheart — Mommy needs her rest,” I said.

He’d slept there all night, waiting at the door–listening intently for any shifting noise, hoping he might soon be of service.

There are those who believe dogs hold no bonds; that they exist in life, without emotion.

Such a foolish lot–and, just who are they to speak to the charity of a dog’s love?

As I opened the door, he leapt straight into my arms–never mind that I’d missed his cue. That the floor was cold and mostly uninviting. Or, that the raucousness from two fences over was frightening at its best.

Oh, my darlings, no. For a dog’s love is truly without bounds. My goodness, how we might learn a thing or two.

To love, in spite of a once crippling loss. To love, at the risk of being wounded again. To love, never knowing what may be returned.

To love, just simply to love.

That’s the true heart of the lesson, is it not? To have courage enough to always love again.

Just a little something to consider on this day, my darlings ~ a reminder that true love manifests when the heart is left to open.

Namaste ❤️