Tag: expectations

A Moment Not To Be Missed.

I watched a little boy pulling a wagon today.

Round and round our country block, until his face flushed red from the strain. In the back, his passengers – two little ones – shrieking with delight.

“Aren’t your arms growing tired,” I called from the porch.

To which he replied.

“You can never get tired making other people smile.”

And, off he went…as simple as that. Touché, and blessings – my little four-foot Buddhist friend.

From the mouths of babes, they say, comes an indispensable wisdom. Immeasurable in its capacity to transform our often all-too-rigid thinking.

With one quick and unassuming breath, they leap so effortlessly past ego. Like stones skipping across a pond, touching only just long enough to force a ‘ripple.’ Leaving a little extra something for us grown ups to consider.

Imagine, just how easily ‘something like this’ might have been missed? A missed appointment, a broken dish — and, we’ve all but let it slip.

Every day, we makes plans and assumptions for our tomorrow. But the truth is, we just never really know. Our lives can change so unexpectedly — all the more reason to cherish what we have.

My darlings, it’s the tiniest of these micro-moments which reveal the magnificence in this miracle of life.

The trick is being awake enough to fully cherish it.