Tag: epiphany

The Lesson of Epiphany.

This morning’s reading included a passage on epiphany – a sudden lifting of self-complexity yielding a brand new awakening.

For some, a single, substinative event – a birth or death resonating so deeply that it forever changes the aperture of our awareness. Our world, once muted, now flourishing with new light and color.

While others experience a far more a gentle shifting – like a flame dancing at the end of a wick, leading to ‘flashes of bliss and clarity’.

“Sooner or later it’s going to happen,” author Andrew Holecek shares. “It might be the very first time you meditate or only after years of dedicated practice, but someday you’re going to have a spiritual experience.”

Indeed, the epiphany – it seems – is inescapable; an unavoidable progression of path. Something intended to break us open, while simultaneously making us whole. The lesson, of course, is to always remember – everything we experience is both a beginning and ending. Infintity reflected in an aspect of one.

Whether we are moved to tears or overwhelmed by an unimpeded sense of wonderment and gratitude – someday, we will be forced to explore the upending of our own personal glory.

In peace, my boundless friends…

Namaste ❣