Tag: elephants

The Case for Mindfulness.

There’s been some fascinating research to suggest, that what animals experience is passed on to their offspring. Specifically, in the area of behavioral research in which these offspring were observed to manifest the same ‘fears’ as their parents.

And though scientists have long believed these traits to be learned, it does beg a rather interesting reflection – that is, is the ‘sharing’ of our fears inevitable?

It would explain some of our more irrational fears, those which are seemingly triggered without much, if any, provocation. My goodness, to think that we might ‘inherit’ the unsettledness from our ancestors

Elephant calves, for example, have been observed showing the same characteristics as their mothers, and, in spite of having been newly born. In one instance, a newborn calf who showed duress by the water’s edge, born of a mother who had nearly died mired in the banks of that same muddied river.

I, myself, have noticed a similar behavior with the cows, often leaving my wonderment peaked. I’ve watches as calves instinctively kept to the ‘safer’ side of the pasture.

There’s also research to suggest that the ability of mice to ‘remember’ – is directly impacted by the presence of immune system factors in their mother’s milk.

And, if that’s not enough to nudge your curiosity – researchers have found that mice can pass along learned information about a traumatic or stressful experience. In one particular case, a fear of the smell of cherry blossoms was evidenced in subsequent generations.

Though, I’m not able to confirm the validity of these observations – it certainly is cause for one to think.

Perhaps, there is an energy to our emotions, an impermeable imprint which becomes fixed to the soul? And shared with all those loving hearts to come.

If that is the case, then there’s certainly much more cause for consideration – a cry for mindfulness within every aspect of our being.

And, lending proof to that age old adage that we’re all accustomed – in other words, what we think we become.

Though, in this case, it may become theĀ  legacy for our children.

Isn’t it interesting what nature will reveal when the mind is finally willing to know?