Tag: elderly man

This Blessing of Moment.

“You’re humming,” he said, “people don’t hum anymore.” In looking over, I saw the proud smile of an elderly man, lines worn deeply through the prospect of truly living. We shared coffee together over the morning hum of patrons and passersby – pausing only to take the moment in.

“Days need to be savored,” he said. “A moment lost is indeed a tragedy.”

And, though he had experienced great suffering in his life – a widower having lost his only son. Still, he smiled with endless courage – to enjoy these blessings yet remaining.

“Take nothing for granted,” he shared.

Indeed, the greater tragedy is to become numb to this world; to lose ourselves in a passing distress. For a moment lost she’ll never make its way again; time marches boldly on.

“Keep humming,” he winked and with that we said goodbye ~ knowing this day had found life through the kindness of another.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️