Tag: Deserving

A Deserving Sort of Happiness.

“Are you happy,” I asked, hopeful my question might help to reveal an aspect of self long withheld.

“Never,” he replied, his voice stricken with a deliberate knowing. As if admission of happiness were a presumption of guilt.

Why do we keep ourselves from that which we need though believe we can’t have? Are we unworthy to stand before this vastlessness that is our birthright? Prisoners of our own eradication. And, our penance…?

A joyless life.

Some will say that life is suffering; though, I believe – life is attachment. That which we hold, that which we believe – that which we’ve courage enough to release. A momentary extension of self unto circumstance, all of which – our choosing.

“I wish I could show you,” Hafiz once shared. “when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

Perhaps, we are hesitant to experience, frightened it might be swept away?

Though, when we finally experience a joy unimpeded – we realize, it is an inescapable aspect of our being.

In peace, my darlings…

Namaste ❤️