Tag: daring

The Known Unknown.

“One is never afraid of the unknown,” Krishnamurti writes. “one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”

As I watch the mists of morning fog descend, I can’t help but to think about this passing of days. Moment by moment, the spirit is coaxed, resolute in its journey to find peace. Though, even the most determined might find safe harbor against a meandering shore.

We are never afraid of the nameless known. Rather, more so, fearful of letting go. With each breath, the soul expands – then, contracts. Absent the weariness of hesitation’s wrath, it forges through and past.

All the while, this calling emerges – life grants its favor to those with courage.

And, in the end? We can only be afraid of that which we think we know.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️