Tag: color

To Have Courage Enough to Live.

Philosopher Immanuel Kant once wrote, “By a lie, a man annihilates his dignity as a man.”

I’d like to think his reference extended far beyond it’s most literal translation. That is to say, we must all at some point learn this lesson of ‘to thine own self be true.’

To Kant, the world was simple – a series of fundamental concepts which structured our human experience. And, believing that one could never enjoy a direct relationship with their surroundings. That at best, our experience was comprised of a synapse of senses.

But, I think there’s so much more to it, than that.

Come to think of it, I’m not sure he and I would have gotten on so very well. As, it’s difficult for me to see things in terms which are so very ‘black and white.’

You see, I believe the world to be ripe with a million glorious colors…of passionate pinks, Monet blues, and Tiger Lily reds. And, isn’t it always those colors in between that make this life so very much worth living?

Life is not always so simple, my darlings.

At times, we may succeed…and others, we may fail. But, rest assured we’ll always have this symphony of shades.

Our inner truth shines brightly, my darlings. And our sole purpose in this life, my darlings – is to have ‘courage enough’ to experience it.