Tag: Buddhism

What We Become.

“It’s not who you were, it’s what you become,” I smiled softly, leaning in. “And what you become has yet to be gifted.”

Slowly, he lifted his head – as if the once unyielding weight was beginning to wane.

Whereas, each moment has its own unique purpose, they are never separate from that which is the remaining whole.

Neither blessing nor curse may shadow our tomorrow. Likewise, it can not conceal its benefit.

A ‘cobbling together’, day by day; meaning, our story is far from done. And things are just as they are.

Even when we don’t yet understand, trust there is order within the chaos.

And we, through the care and willfulness of spirit can ‘light a lamp in any darkness’ as they Buddha once said.

Today, I ask you simply to take notice. Feel the energy of ‘moment’ rising.

What is it asking? What does it wish to share?

Is it begging the encouragement of trust, or – is it simply reminding us to stay?

A little something to consider, my loves…

In peace,

Namaste ❤

We Are What We Experience.

My darlings, this morning I am inspired by the words of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, who writes:

“An enlightened essence is present in everyone. It is present in every state, both samsara and nirvana, and in all sentient beings; there is no exception.”

His words have been present in my thoughts, as of late. In reading through messages, I sense the doubt and hesitation; the unwillingness to fully believe.

That we are already enlightened beings.

We are born into this space, unburdened by the complexities of judgment and ego. We see the world as it truly is, absent the limitations of label.

And, yet? Something holds us back, my loves – prohibiting our ability to experience our ‘Buddha nature’ within.

We see enlightenment as a goal, a destination. Though, ultimately – that which we seek is always within, waiting to be revealed.

“Awakening to enlightenment is not an ancient fable,” he shares. “It is not mythology. It actually does happen. Bring the oral instructions into your own practical experience and enlightenment is indeed possible; it is not just a fairy tale.”
Today, I invite you to explore these subtleties of self, to experience this world as a manifestation of your own Buddha nature. And, to ultimately know…that you are the world you discover.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

Why Is There Suffering?

I had a question posted to me this morning:

“Given that we can do anything in this world, why then is there still so much suffering?”

The Buddha once spoke to the presence of suffering – noting that it was the true starting point of our spiritual practice. That is to say, if we’re not aware of our pain, how will we ever know what to heal?

Though a difficult reminder of the frailty of human form, it is powerful in its purpose – forcing through to that which fear may sometimes conceal. It is our truest, most authentic heart waiting to be revealed.

In Buddhist practice it is considered the first of the four noble truths – an awareness of our impermanence and the inevitability of change.

Subsequently, we are encouraged to seek the ‘root’ of our suffering – to understand it’s true nature and cause. This is the second of the four noble truths.

But this is not our stopping point, my loves. Rather, this fear, this upset, this volatility of emotion – all serve as a catalyst to the expansion of our inner awareness. It is through this exploration of spirit, that we may finally discover the means to heal.

This is the third of the four noble truths – representing the possibility of unburdening, and reminding us of our capacity to touch true joy within every moment.

And, finally – through the fourth, we are gifted the instruction to remove it, and with that our ultimate freedom.

Though, ironically – we can not find our way to truth, without first recognizing our pain

“These are liberating truths.” writes Thich Nhat Hanh “But we cannot seek for the other three if we do not accept the presence of the first.”

Why do we experience pain, my loves?

Perhaps, to awaken and to broaden compassion’s reach.

And, when you consider in those terms, my dearest darlings ~ suddenly, life’s upsets aren’t nearly as threatening.

Just a little something to consider, my friends.

In peace, namaste ~ ❤️

ps ~ How do you like this little bundle of love? I believe his heart can remove any and all troubles.

The Jewel of Our Human Soul.

There’s a Buddhist story I quite like. I’d heard it first as a much younger girl, though didn’t realize its value until much later on.

The story is about a young man born to wealthy parents. He had everything he could ever want, hope or wish for – a beautiful home, the finest of clothes, and delicacies within every morsel.

And yet, he was always unhappy.

His parents worked harder to provide for their child. Day by day they suffered the toils of their son’s unsettled heart. Until one day, unable to give any more – they died.

But, they’d left for their child one final gift – a beautiful gemstone wrapped in a silken cloth. “It’s here when you need it,” the hand-written note said. “Remember, to draw upon when needed.”

Within just a few years, the man had exhausted the last their wealth – and, now penniless was cast to the streets.

Homeless and desperately hungry, he fell to his knees – as the silk-wrapped jewel fell from his pocket.

“Tell me, why are you suffering?” As he looked up, he saw a monk smiling in crimson robe. “When all that you could ever want or need – was always just right here waiting for you?”

The ‘jewel’, of course, is intended to speak to our inner spirit, and everything which has helped to shape our human experience. In any given moment, we can draw upon the attributes forged through these years – love, happiness, resilience, hope – it’s all right there, isn’t it?

And offering us this gentle reminder, “we are never alone if we have lived.”

Everything you ‘need’, my darlings, is right there within – stop being so hesitant to call upon it.

The Lesson of the Koi.

My darlings, did you know that Koi fish will only grow to the size of the space afforded to them?

Place them in a small fish bowl, and they’ll never grow beyond a few inches.

Though, amazingly when presented the vastness of a brilliant, blue pond – they’ll easily grow beyond 3 feet in length.

Such a powerful metaphor, don’t you think?

That we are limited only by that which the mind chooses to ‘see’.

The Buddha taught that perception was one of the key components which helped to shape each moment of our experience.

Look around you. What do you see? A pile of unwashed dishes still ‘soaking’ in the sink, or the joy of a family sharing this space of love?

My darlings, there are endless possibilities presented before us each day.

“For things to reveal themselves to us,” shares the venerable Thích Nhất Hạnh. “We need to be ready to abandon our views about them.”

Perhaps, this is the lesson of the Koi, my darlings? That when we let go of thinking mind, we grow.

A little something to consider on this glorious new day…

Namaste, my dearest friends..

It’s the Doing That Makes the Difference.

I remember once, when my children were still very small.

It was an unforgivably hot summer evening—the sort that drives even the world to slow her pace. We had ventured off for ice cream – two scoops of mint chocolate chip (on waffle cones, no less).

As I buckled the children safely into their car seats, my toddler son cried out,

“Mommy, ouch!”

He was pointing to an old woman wandering aimlessly in the streets.

“Mommy, OUCH!” he pointed with urgency, once again.

Car horns blared, as passersby swerved impatiently left to right – not one of them stopping to help this beautiful human soul.

At just two-years-old my dearest son had more sense than the rest of them pulled together.

I’m always shocked at these passages of indifference. What causes some to stop, while others continue on their way?

Oh, and how we’ve all been guilty on occasion.

We walk past with eyes averted, hoping our hearts will soon follow suit. But, the mind is forever haunted by these images of suffering.

And yet, is guilt enough to change behavior?

Anton Chekhov once wrote, that ‘indifference is a paralysis of the soul.’ And, I could think of no better way to describe this ‘condition’ of moving past when others clearly need us.

I was once asked if I felt detachment was an excuse for indifference – that is to say, does mind create the conditions by which we choose to look away?

I’ve always believe that ours is a path of service – that we learn compassion for ourselves through our interactions with others. In doing so, perhaps we might ‘see’ that we are not so separate from those before us? That we are all connected in this fabric of being?

My darlings, it doesn’t really matter how great or how small the effort – it’s the doing that makes the difference.

For this elderly woman, it was simply a matter of helping her to the curb – offering a bit of shade, and the benefit of a listening ear.

As Elizabeth Barrett Browning once wrote, “Let me count the ways.”

And so, on this day, my dearest darlings – let us count the ways in which we may be of service to others.

Namaste <3

Embracing the Dawn.

“And yet day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn, and their merging sometimes affords the beholder the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours.” – Mary Balogh

I watched the sun rise today – a distant dawn hinting of lavender and faded peonies; while far off trees marked bold contrast between the waning night and this glorious new day.

And, further off, nestled deep within their stately limbs – a young robin, eager to win the praises of Dawn.

“twiddle-oo twiddle-oo, twiddle-oo twiddle-oo…”  she cried.

There are moments within each day, my dears – little pockets stuffed full of the glistening magic of this universe. They have the capacity to soften even the most hardened of souls, to blast through these dusted corners we’ve kept so carefully sealed from the world.

To force us to fly open those shutters, and take in this light of a life, renewed.

It’s within these gentle moments, my dears – when the heart is muted to ego’s scolding, and we’re able to hear what our soul is seeking,

“Which will you choose?”the morning breeze begins, “a life distilled to routine’s ticking clock….or, are you bold enough to step into this light again?”

I’m always astonished when nothingness carries such great purpose;

To remind us that we are more soul than this body might ever hold…and, more heart than there is light in this world.

So, what will it be on this day, my loves?

A hurried rush, or this magic of dawn?

The Privilege of Being Human.

“Every day,” Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us, “we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child–our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”

Indeed, everything is a miracle. And, every day I am grateful.

I know that must seem somewhat fluffed with rhetoric, but I promise – it’s the way that I choose to live.

I think of moments as a divine gift; and never to be squandered away. And when I feel my heart getting tangled, I think of what I’m willing to ‘trade.’

You see, I’ve become increasingly conscious over this past year of this precious time that has been gifted to me. Though, sometimes I *do* find myself getting caught in the web of distraction – a boss at work, bills to pay, and how am I ever going to get away?

But, I always find my way back again – to live each day in the deepest, most heartfelt way I am able.

I pay attention to the little things. I fill my soul with the smiles of friends, and let my thoughts drift upon the wings of peace.

I let the stillness surround me. I wrap myself in a blanket of loving-kindness, and let gratitude restore my inner-being.

I know I’m one of the luckier ones – as, I get to choose how my moments are spent, each and every last one of them.

And, this one – has only just begun.

A reminder of our moments, my darlings. Such a privilege, don’t you think – this being human?

This Energy of Love.

“Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of the tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind and are scattered.”

My darlings, this morning I am inspired by the words of Kahlil Gibran – who reminds us of our purpose here:

We are all but travelers here; swift messengers of hope – sharing our love where others fear to tread.

And united in one central belief, that no one need suffer alone.

With these two hands, we help.

And, with lightness of heart – we heal.

Our energy is shared through each interaction, however brief – like seeds scattered to the wind, these roots of Humanity are formed.

Make no mistake, my dearest darlings – it is you and I who’ll help shape this world.

One thought

One hope

One simple deed.

Through each act of kindness, we honor the energy of love.

The Roots Within the Reflection.

What does it mean to be truly open – and, what just keeps us from being ‘there’?

In this mirror we see only a faint shadow of our reflection – deep lines forming where worry once tread. Our eyes are drawn to the space of criticism, whilst the finer nuances of our beauty are left undetected.

Though, more often than not, we tend to stop right there. We go no further, turning away from our weakness – and, in doing so we leave yet another lesson ‘on the table.’

That is to say, in looking for the truth within this criticism – we begin to form the roots of our own humility.

And, when we are humbled – we are most willing and open to learn. In fact, criticism can open us to new horizons – help us to further examine that which we’ve long held to be true. It can shake the very foundation upon which we stand, and help us discover a new perspective.

And, when you look at it in this way, my loves – I guess criticism isn’t quite so bad. When we’re able to move past, that is – and further into the depths of self-examination.

In this way, perhaps this label of criticism – might be better served by understanding the power within this action of reflection?

Something to consider, don’t you think? And, a little nudge to help us remember.

Much love, my dearest friends – and, on this day I bow to you. <3