Tag: bodhicitta

To Correct All Wrongs with One Intention.

“If simply to learn how to communicate were our life’s challenge, not only might we be able to help find food for people who are hungry and shelter for people who are homeless, but we might even see a fundamental change – less aggression on the planet and more cooperation.” ~ Pema Chodron

I was listening to a lecture regarding one of our lojong teachings – given by beloved Buddhist, Pema Chodron. “Correct all wrongs with one intention,” she said. “Take the attitude of wanting to benefit others.”

I had such difficulties when I first began my practice. I took to heart with such literal interpretation, those actions which had a much deeper meaning. Though, in time I grew to understand – its importance in awakening the bodhicitta within.

Though, in practice – what does that really mean? How do we awaken this spirit of reverence, while we are continuously tested throughout our day?

My darlings, ‘to correct all things with one intention’ requires that we act with the intention of benefiting others. That our hearts are guided to increase our ‘kinship’ with other human beings.

‘To increase our kinship with other human beings’ – well, that can’t be so terribly difficult, now can it?

Until someone cuts us off in traffic or a co-worker ‘accidentally’ deletes all of our records.

As Pema shares,

“Breathing in, breathing out, feeling resentful, feeling happy, being able to drop it, not being able to drop it, eating our food, brushing our teeth, walking, sitting – whatever we’re doing could be done with one intention.

That intention is that we want to wake up, we want to ripen our compassion, and we want to ripen our ability to let go, we want to realize our connection with all beings. Everything in our lives has the potential to wake us up or to put us to sleep. Allowing it to awaken us is up to us.”

Said simply, ‘to awaken’ – should be the focal point of our intention. That we might learn to broaden our hearts, to willingly accept the energy of all human beings.

All actions, done with compassionate intention.

My darlings, this is what brings our world together.