Tag: believe

That Which We Believe.

“We are not always what we seem,” shares author, Peter Beagle. “And hardly ever what we dream.”

Indeed, this aspect of knowing one’s ‘self’, is but a fraction of that which is ever realized.

Humility cautions to stand/secure our place; to take no respite within Fortune’s grace. As inner voice cries, “How can it ever be?”

We leave so much to Fate and Chance, arbiters to a gifted happiness.

“We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream.”

My darlings, on this day I wish you the blessings of seeing, of dreaming, of acting and believing.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

As We Believe.

I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose, my loves. Specifically, what compels the actions of heart? And, what motivates the will of man?

Life is filled with unanswered questions. We look to tree, and wonder its source. We contemplate the illusion of light dancing against the water’s edge. Each day, we struggle with the chaos of finding our place; and yet, within – the heart always seems to know.

“Amor fati…” her words lift to softened breeze, as we consider this unfolding of path.

Dostoyevsky once wrote that the mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. In this way, perhaps – all of life is a quest; a journey towards the enabling of spirit?

There are infinite possibilities, my loves. And, with each we are gifted a magnificent choice – to follow the heart wherever it may lead.

“And all the time your soul is craving and longing for something else.” He continues. “And in vain does the dreamer rummage about in his old dreams, raking them over as though they were a heap of cinders, looking in these cinders for some spark, however tiny, to fan it into a flame so as to warm his chilled blood by it and revive in it all that he held so dear before, all that touched his heart, that made his blood course through his veins, that drew tears from his eyes, and that so splendidly deceived.”

My darlings, this is what it means to believe.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

This Faith Within.

My darlings, what does it mean to lose one’s Faith? To watch it’s once fiery embers haplessly diminish?

“Have Faith,” they’ll say — as if Faith were something to be ‘had’; to be bartered and sold at will of man.

Rather, isn’t Faith our constant companion, with arms ‘wide open’ when all others have turned away?

And yet, we feel so helplessly unworthy. As if Faith would ever dare to offer judgement or criticism.

Oh, no my loves – instead?

Faith has always been the better part of our existence, with a vastness so large one can never truly know its limitations.

In this way, perhaps Faith is a manifestation of the Divine? Showing finally to eyes that which mind readily conceals.

As such, shouldn’t we embrace then that feeling of not ever knowing? Of waking up and to this miracle of life as it unfolds?

Just a little something to consider on this day, my friends.

After all, how could we possibly lose that which is always there?

Namaste, my loves ~ in peace ❤️

A Reminder to Believe.

Ah, what a joy-filled “Message from the Universe” – thank you, and namaste my dearest, Mike Dooley.

“Tara, would it help to be reminded that there’s no problem so great, that you won’t one day be grateful for it?

That there’s no friend you’ve ever had, who won’t always love you?

And that there’s no dream you’ve ever dreamt, that doesn’t already exist?

Not bad, huh?
The Universe”

I love these little ‘notes from the Universe’ – pockets of joy interspersed within my daily mail. And always, with a small bit of truth left to hold.

With these two hands, there is never a problem too great. With this one loving heart, there is never a love beyond our reach.

It’s all within us, isn’t it. Every though, every wish – every hope, every dream… already exists.

And all we ever really have to do is just simply believe.

Believe for the sake of simplicity, and courage. Believe for the sake of love.

Believe for all those moments you’ve wallowed in despair, only to find your way once again.

Believe in kindness and compassion and your soul’s truest purpose.

Believe in the destiny within the dream.

Believe that one human spirit can indeed change this world.

But most of all, my darlings….just dare to believe.

Much love, my dearest darlings – and on this day, a reminder of the light that is so unconditionally, and brilliantly you.

Those Seemingly Impossible Things.

There’s a passage in one of my favorite children’s books, “Through the Looking Glass” which reads:

“There’s no use in trying,” she said. “one *can’t* believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as SIX impossible things before breakfast.”

I think we’ve all struggled, just as Alice did, peeking through that ‘looking glass.’ At times the world, once so crystal clear – seems warped and clouded from view.

But, I think it’s good to think of those seemingly impossible things – as, it helps us to find our way through.

The impossible, though daunting, reminds us that not everything is written in stone. That we are the manifestation of all that we believe, in combination with all that we *do*.

And likewise it offers the magnificent opportunity to move past those impossible ‘truths.’

Just as our beliefs may expand our world, so too, can they cloud our view.

As Shunryu Suzuki once said, “If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything.”

Sometimes it’s believing those impossible things that helps to clear our way.

The trick is, to recognize and then to clear all those barriers to “I can’t do that.”

The Impossible Dream.

[blockquote source=”Dr. Wayne Dyer”]”There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember your purpose for being on this great Earth. This is the voice of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us.” [/blockquote]

My darlings, who would you be if you could be anything?

I remember the very first time someone asked me that question. It was kindergarten 1974—well before I had learned of self-imposed limitations. And, by the tone in Ms. Dingledine’s voice, I knew this was perhaps the ‘most important question in the world.’

“Who would you be if you could be anything?” My goodness, she was beautiful, and with such hope-filled eyes.

“I want to write stories,” I answered sheepishly, knowing full well that I hadn’t even learned my alphabet.

“Well, then—I can’t wait to read your stories,” she smiled—never once pausing to question how.

We have such a habit of talking ourselves out of our dreams—falling into that trap of, “there’s nothing to be done.”

Or, worse yet, that we are not ‘the one.’

But, could you just imagine if the opposite were true? That no dreams would be left unexplored, nor wishes unfulfilled.

Every child has dreams, my dears. Even at the youngest age we are prompted by our school teachers to answer that first, and very big, life question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

And when Dergin Tokmak answered, “I want to be a dancer,” well, let’s just say, that it wasn’t met with the same level of enthusiasm.

You see, Dergin wasn’t like all the other children. At just one year old, Dergin contracted polio—leaving him partially paralyzed from the waist down.

So, when this young boy chattered on excitedly about his dreams? There were those who were only too quick to remind him of his ‘limitations.’

And yet, today?

Dergin is a featured dancer with the critically acclaimed Cirque Du Soleil show “Varakai”—proof positive, that when we follow our hearts, anything is possible.

[blockquote]”I want to pass on to the next generation … so people can see that no handicap is too big or too limiting to dance. My message as an artist is to show the world that there is a creative soul in everyone with or without a handicap.”[/blockquote]

This is a story about a young man who challenged–and subsequently defied–all others expectations, to pursue his ‘one big dream’ of becoming a dancer.

My darlings, when we believe—anything is possible.