Tag: being

Using Play As Our Practice

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh writes;

“From time to time, to remind ourselves to relax, to be peaceful, we must wish to set aside some time for a retreat, a day of mindfulness, when we can walk slowly, smile, drink tea with a friend, enjoy being together as if we are the happiest people on Earth. This is not a retreat, it is a treat.”

I thought of his words this morning as I looked out from my bedroom window. Across the way, a young girl was chasing soap bubbles with a friend, a fearless pup blissfully nipping at the air. Their joy was palpable, as much a part of this day as the sun itself. And between each shriek and heart filling giggle, a pause – just long enough to effect their mutual gratitude.

Play encourages the heart’s liberation, alleviating the burden and impossibility of long-standing barriers. Through play, our consciousness is lifted, allowing us to explore new ways of thinking. We begin to see the simplicity within the complex, recognizing our place in their interpretation: everything, just as it is and nothing more.

In this way, life itself becomes our practice, and we…we finally become the enrichment we seek.

In peace, my sweet friends…

Namaste ❣

What Is Your Why?

“Never forget your why,” he said to me.

We were standing at the ‘bow’ of the USS Arizona Memorial, a super class of battleship once considered unsinkable. We watched as its remaining oil bubbled and spilled into the surrounding waters, a reminder of the 1,177 lives lost that day.

“Never forget why,” he said, once again. It was the first time I’d ever seen my father cry.

Though his words were hushed, the message was clear. I could hear the unfolding of emotion in his voice, over 50 years worth of ‘memories’ – images of the war-torn European battlefield.

I’d always wondered how my father survived. When we think of the battlefield, we see images from the movies — Hollywood’s interpretation of what the solider experienced. Though, the truth is — the weather conditions were brutal, at best; soldiers continuously forged through waist deep snow and sub-zero conditions. And, the supply lines were never intact — some might fight for days without a scrap of food.

I’d always wondered, but knew to never ask — as those images were the ones that pierced the night.

In life, we must always have a reason and purpose, my loves; some innermost validation that reconciles breath with the challenges of moment.

It’s that why which will shepherd heart through even the darkest of night.

“Life belongs to the living,” writes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. “and he who lives must be prepared for changes.”

It is the primary core of our existence, this belief — and a catalyst for that which lends context to purpose.

So often, we view our world through the shards of broken moments. In doing so, we fail to appreciate that much fuller view.

We all have difficult days, my loves. Though, when we hold our ‘why’ close, nothing is impossible.

So, darlings if I may be so bold to ask — please tell me, what is your ‘why’ today?

For me? My ‘why’ always carries me here.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

When Purpose is Revealed.

It was described as the hug seen ’round the world’ as teacher, Jim Routon discovered that his seven-year-old neighbor, Hezekiah Darbon had survived the Oklahoma tornados.

In this single frame, I am lifted by the prospect that our lives are intrinsically connected; that humanity is not without pause, and that we ‘simple humans’ are never without love.

In this single frame, I see hope redefined by the capacity and willingness of spirit to rise above.

And, oh my darlings, in this single frame – the majesty of our purpose is revealed

In this one single moment – milliseconds, really – you and I can forever change this world.

Remember, compassion speaks loudest in all those tucked away ‘spaces in between.’

Namaste, my loves…❤️

Photo: AP

Never Forgetting Your Why.

I had a dear friend and mentor who once shared with me that leadership was a willingness to relinquish control; to exist in a space of absolute unknowingness; and, in that space, never once forget why you are there.

I don’t know why his words have found me on this misty morning. Perhaps, it’s a matter of sentimentality – or, maybe, something much stronger still?

“To be silently drawn..” – isn’t that what Rumi once said? “By the stronger pull of what you really love…”

This is what it means to be free.

To have faith in that indescribable something else; to let the beauty we love become all that we do.

And, in my life, my darlings – that beauty is you.

“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.”

And, knowing – that one day, those stars may form a circle…and, in their center, we shall dance.

My darlings, to be silently drawn – to experience the thrill of life’s greatest adventure – is to learn to let go, without ever once forgetting your ‘why.’


The Sweetness of Our Being.

“Listen closely –
At this mountain temple,
The sound of the wind in the pines
And the whistle of the kettle
Are the voice of Buddha.”

These are the words once shared by 19th century Buddhist nun Ōtagaki Rengetsu. She is considered to be one of the most revered female artists in history.

There is an unexpected simplicity to these passages – her poetic images offering the lessons of Zen in way that words may never reach.

“A thousand grasses
bloom in autumn
but finding a single sprout
with a pair of leaves—
such a joy in spring!”

Her words speak to a celebration of mindfulness – a continuous, clear awareness of this present moment.

And, it is always here – now, isn’t it?

Like the first sweet apple of Spring, or the tickling of grass beneath our feet – it’s the nearly imperceptible ‘somethings’ that seem to lift our misted veil and bring us ever closer to the miracle of living.

So, take time, my dearest darlings – listen closely and gaze with wonder at all those much simpler things. Knowing, in time, they’ll serve to become – a path to your very own awakening.

This is the sweetness of our being.

In peace, love, and equanimity ~ namaste <3

Stepping Into the Light of “Just Simply Being.”

“Never say that you can’t do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can’t be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds.”  ― Mike Norton

My darlings, we’ve all struggled to navigate this path of limitation.

We’ve listened to experts prattling on, accepting their ‘truth’ in place of our own. In doing so, we’ve surrendered our hopes and our dreams to the boundaries others have imposed upon us.

Have we so easily forgotten that only our heart may determine our destiny?  And that, the vision of our truth “does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets.

My darlings, you are so very much more than the short-sightedness of another’s vision.

You are this Universe bounded only by form; and, it’s high time you experienced the true magnificence of your ‘just simply being.’

The Masterpiece of Being.

I think Osho said it best, and so simply, as well:  “Be…don’t try to become.”

There is a subtle, yet profound distinction between the two. To be invokes a sense of ‘resting into’ the life we’ve been gifted; whereas, to become suggests that we are continuously seeking something outside of ourselves.

And yet, haven’t we all fallen into the trap of becoming?

We become transfixed by its labels—attaching ‘if only’ as a dangerous precursor to the condition of our happiness.

If only I had more money…a better job…less responsibility—I could finally be happy.

Like a dog chasing its tail—we never seem to find that which we are looking for.

“Drop the idea of becoming someone,” he continues. “Because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”

My darlings, life is only available to us in this present moment. To seek anything outside of it, always proves a dangerous endeavor. We have all that we need in this moment before us.

All of the wealth, all of the riches are right here before us – and, all that we ever really need to do is believe.

Because, in the end, my dearest darlings – the only true ‘condition’ to your happiness is you.

And you are already a magnificent masterpiece of being.

The Miracle of Being.

Author Henry David Thoreau once remarked, that every morning was an invitation to make life of equal simplicity, “and I dare say innocence”, with Nature, herself.

“Birds do not sing in caves,” he urged. “Nor do doves cherish their innocence in dovecots.”

And, as I sit watching the cardinal’s colors pop through frosted window pane – my darlings, I couldn’t agree more.

As children, we spend hours selflessly nourishing curiosity and wonder; but, as we grow older…we lose sight of what it means to believe.

To believe in the simplicity and wonder of nature; and know, that it is the richest, most indomitable aspect of our own inner being.

Our True Heritage {Thich Nhat Hanh}.

Our True Heritage

The cosmos is filled with precious gems.
I want to offer a handful of them to you this morning.
Each moment you are alive is a gem,
shining through and containing earth and sky,
water and clouds.

It *needs* you to breathe gently
for the miracles to be displayed.
Suddenly you hear the birds singing,
the pines chanting,
see the flowers blooming,
the blue sky,
the white clouds,
the smile and the marvelous look
of your beloved.

You, the richest person on Earth,
who have been going around begging for a living,
stop being the destitute child.
Come back and claim your heritage.
We should enjoy our happiness
and offer it to everyone.
Cherish this very moment.
Let go of the stream of distress
and embrace life fully in your arms.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

This precious moment needs you, my loves – to bear witness, to the wonderment of being.

You are a brilliant source of light, my darlings, shining through this seemingly impenetrable darkness…to find your way ‘home’, once again…

And share, your richness with this world.