Tag: become

What We Become.

“It’s not who you were, it’s what you become,” I smiled softly, leaning in. “And what you become has yet to be gifted.”

Slowly, he lifted his head – as if the once unyielding weight was beginning to wane.

Whereas, each moment has its own unique purpose, they are never separate from that which is the remaining whole.

Neither blessing nor curse may shadow our tomorrow. Likewise, it can not conceal its benefit.

A ‘cobbling together’, day by day; meaning, our story is far from done. And things are just as they are.

Even when we don’t yet understand, trust there is order within the chaos.

And we, through the care and willfulness of spirit can ‘light a lamp in any darkness’ as they Buddha once said.

Today, I ask you simply to take notice. Feel the energy of ‘moment’ rising.

What is it asking? What does it wish to share?

Is it begging the encouragement of trust, or – is it simply reminding us to stay?

A little something to consider, my loves…

In peace,

Namaste ❤