Tag: autumn

The Sweet Unhastened.


I drove for several hours through the mountains recently. The trees were beginning to shift their colors, transitioning to a gold and fiery red.

There’s a comfort we find within these seasonal changes; a momentary release of worldly stresses – a reminder to begin anew.

The world reveals itself through such gentle change; the lifting of light through the ample oaks, the sweet smell of ripened earth. As if a catalyst to our own metamorphosis. “Come join me,” Nature begs.

“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”

Such depth of joy in her declarations; a passing wind forcing the last of the summer rain.

“And those who listened nor moved nor wondered, but heard, all bewitched…the sweet unhastened.”

In peace, my sweet friends…

Namaste ❤️

Note: Poetry by Humbert Wolfe

A Reminder of Much Simpler Days.

“Like all magnificent things, it’s very simple.” ― Natalie Babbit

My darlings, do you remember the excitement in collecting fall leaves?

As a child, I couldn’t wait for Autumn—as it meant our elementary school class would take a trip to the local Nature Preserve. We’d wander for hours through those forest trails—taking pencil etchings from the bark of Maple trees, unwavering in our quest for ‘just the right leaf.’

Sassafras was always my favorite—with mittened hands, ready for winter, it was her sweet smell that drew me in.

My teacher knew the best technique for preserving leaves—pressed between two sheets of waxed paper, with the heat of the iron causing the colors to burst.

Come to think of it, I may still have a few of these fall masterpieces…set aside for posterity, a reminder of much simpler days.

My darlings, there’s such greatness in simplicity; when a mountain stream can carry a symphony, and these woods…keep us company for hours.