Tag: Albert Camus

Maintaining a Peaceful Heart in Troubled Times.

Albert Camus once wrote that we all carry within us, our places of exile – our crimes, our ravages. And, that our task is not to unleash them on this world, but rather to transform them within ourselves.

As I read through the current political commentaries and witness their impacts on an already unpredictable society – I am reminded of the opportunity we’ve been gifted, and the necessity to engage this sanctity within.

Each of us has experienced an unbearable suffering. And, each of us has known the grace of having found our ‘way’ again. Between the two, there exists a struggle – in which we either heal or become further entangled.

Though, how do we engage this energy of peace, as our emotions are invariably triggered? Do we respond with courage and fearlessness of heart, or – do we coalesce to the deafening cries? The Buddha taught that our world is, at best, a reflection; that true peace is possible only when the heart has healed. As we are bombarded with the imagery of a vastly unsettled world, we must find that delicate center of balance; that space where all exists without the ‘sway’.

Without the need to ‘bite the hook’…

Without the need to ‘settle the score’…

My darlings, can’t you see?

That when we permit the expansiveness of a boundless heart – we allow the possibility for ‘any future’ to unfold.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ♥