
Breaking the Jar.

There’s a Zen parable about an old man and a swan; a bird so lovely, he placed it within a glass jar upon the highest shelf, and for all the world to see.

The old man cared dearly for the swan; sharing each day, these lessons of life and of love. And, in order that she may one day know the true joy of her own existence.

But, as the swan grew, she soon became too big for the glass jar. Desperate to keep things just as they were, the old man held her there – fearful that the loveliness of his swan might soon be lost. Though, sadly, what he failed to realize was that – who and what we love eventually grows.

Particularly, when tended with such loving-kindness and care.

But, oh my darlings, true love can not ever be contained; like a wildflower it blooms even against the heaviest of rains.

In the end, the swan grew too large to be saved; sadly, the only way to finally free her was to shatter that ‘jar.’

It’s often with good intention that we set out to protect that which we love most of all. But, in doing so – aren’t we inadvertently placing their heart in a jar?

Though, more tragically, is when we attempt to shield our own hearts in the same way. As Dr. Rachel Remen once so poignantly asked,

“Is it possible to live so defensively that you never get to live at all?”

Much like the old man, we place our hearts high upon the shelf, never once realizing that…like the baby swan – it, too, will outgrow the limitations of this space.

“We begin to survive at the cost of thriving,” offers author, Mark Nepo, “we exist at the cost of living and give into resignation instead of seeking joy again.”

Until we finally ask ourselves: “do we risk what we have, in order to live once again?”

To Be Human.

My darlings, what is it that makes us human?

Is it the perfection demonstrated in a myriad of actions, or – the moments in which we are truly most humbled?

And, can one honestly exist without the energy of the other?

To be humbled, is to gain awareness – to broaden our spiritual ‘aperture’, such that our hearts may be authentically shared with this world. And, though that sharing, we are further humbled – building upon the energies graciously offered in return.

And yet, so often we feel the ‘path’ is about perfection – to be centered, grounded and compassionate always. But, the truth is there is no limit to this spiritual ‘well’ – and, adding labels merely serves to limit our progress.

The truth is, to be human IS the practice.

In doing so – we begin to build the connection between ‘self’ and the rest of this world.

And that, my dearest darlings – is one of the most beautiful practices I’ve ever come to know.

To be human, is to be continuously humbled. And, to be continuously humbled is just what we need to be a compassionate human.

So, stop worrying so much about what *should* be, and simply allow your energy flow.

I promise you, it’s so completely worth it. 😉

Namaste and love to you, my friends ~ ❤️

When We Open to Awareness.

I wish I could remember who it was that said, “awareness begins in those delicate moments in which we resist the urge to run away.”

I’m paraphrasing – poorly, I’m sure. Though the essence is still quite clear: that the real work exists within the heart of our own vulnerability.

To stay is a fundamental practice, and one which is potentially the most challenging.

At some level, our instincts are ‘hard wired’ – and, our mechanism for ‘fight or flight’, very real.

The Buddha taught that we are strengthened through this process of discovery; and, than running away only serves to diminish our awareness. That we should drive our hearts towards understanding our fears, rather than becoming shut down because of them.

“Rather than going after those walls and barriers with a sledgehammer,” shares Pema Chodron “we pay attention to them. With gentleness and honesty, we move closer to those walls. We touch them and smell them and get to know them well. We begin a process of acknowledging our aversions and our cravings. We become familiar with the strategies and beliefs we use to build the walls: What are the stories I tell myself? What repels me and what attracts me? We start to get curious about what’s going on. Without calling what we see right or wrong, we simply look as objectively as we can. We can observe ourselves with humor, not getting overly serious, moralistic or uptight about this investigation. Year after year, we train in remaining open and receptive to whatever arises. Slowly, very slowly, the cracks in the wall seem to widen and, as if by magic, bodhichitta is able to flow freely.”

My darlings, though the process may seem painful, at times – I promise you, it is not without reward.

For, in following through on our deepest emotions – we remove those barriers and begin to discover a heart that is so beautifully and uniquely you.

And, that is, by far, our life’s greatest awareness.

The Courage of Carpe Diem.

Author Mitch Albom once wrote that we could go our whole life collecting days, though none would outweigh the one we wish we had back.

I’m paraphrasing, poorly, I’m sure – but the sentiment is still resoundingly clear: that we must make the most of all moments, including those that might prove more difficult.

My darlings, each moment is a sharing of energy; a delicate tapestry of connection, intertwined – graciously extending our vision.

Whether something as grand as ‘hope for humanity’, or, at a much smaller scale ‘just a few extra minutes’….there is one thought pervasive to all;

That is, to live a life without regret.

To have courage to live a life true to ourselves – with the willingness to always begin again.

And, in the end to comfortably say… that we haven’t just seized the day, we’ve seized all the moments – every single one.

Namaste, my loves ~ ❤️

A Little Something About That ‘Mud’.

I wish I could remember who it was that said, “the beginning of faith, of courage and love – is the willingness to let go of perfection.”

Think about that, if you will – that emphasis we place on ‘fitting the bill’ when the heart may so desperately urge us otherwise.

We want to fit in, to be acknowledged – to please. But, at what cost do we effect such a trade?

There’s so much energy exhausted in our struggle. With tear-stained cheeks we try-try-try, once again – until we ultimately become lost in the paradigm of wanting to be recognized for something we are not.

And, that’s a dangerous game, my friends – to measure ourselves by an external standard, one which never once accounts for ‘heart.’

We are so much more than a self-imposed standard, my loves. And, honestly – the very best of who we are is truly immeasurable.

Likewise, when we let go of ‘perfection’ we make room for it all.

When Doubt is Our Traitor.

“Our doubts are traitors,” writes William Shakespeare “and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”

My darlings, I’ve been feeling quite a bit of doubt lately – certain inevitable changes in life, have caused a much needed gaze within.

“Am I strong enough…?”

“Do I have clarity enough…?”

“Will I be consumed by the crashing waves…?”

Everything seems so BIG when we are uncertain. Where lacking the details to create an accurate context, our minds are busy “penciling in”.

We stop ourselves before we ever begin – defeated by a prospect that we’ve only just imagined.

And, oh my goodness – such a sad state of affairs, don’t you think?

“Our doubts are traitors…” – selling us on that ‘snake oil’ of what might happen if.

It’s no way to live, I promise you my dears.

In these moments of doubt, you may notice your mind racing ahead. And we must call it back again – to offer this space to breathe and to rest; to find its purpose, once again.

Like an old friend, we welcome it in…”it’s alright, my darling. Everything will be ok.”

And, I promise you, it will. For no matter the churn that threatens to pull us away – we have just this.

One heart…

One breath…

And this hope of a brand new beginning.


Born to Soar.

An oldie, but a goodie – we were all born to soar, my loves. Irrespective of circumstance and barriers, our purpose is to rise above.

And, rise above we shall.

Above the hatred and the bigotry…

Above the limitations of others’ small-mindedness…

With one, fearless, life-affirming leap – we find our capacity to soar.

Namaste, my loves…<3


Born to Soar by Tara Lemieux;
Music “Soar” graciously shared by artist, Gary Talbott

Shrug off the no’s – they are temporary. This is your world. In your world there is only yes. – Jolene Stockman

“Yes….” Never before had such a word formed so perfectly against my lips; and leaving to its breath-filled wake, the promise of Hope’s greatest adventure.

I had nearly lost all connection to yes – struggling through those many years, lost in a relationship that robbed my will in exchange for my love. I had forgotten what it meant to really be loved; I had forgotten what it meant to be me.

Day after day, I would mourn the beautiful woman I once was – vivacious, sure-footed and confident beyond measure…with a fearlessness to take on any of life’s challenges. Until one day, I found the courage to say ‘yes’ once again.

Yes to this life… Yes to my spirit… Why yes, even to these torn up shreds of my most favorite jeans… I’d found my hope tucked safely within the “looking glass” of my dearest friend, who saw within me that which I have always been – one beautiful human spirit, undeterred by the burdens of anyone else’s vision.

Isn’t it ironic how we must often look so very far outside of ourselves to discover this truth within? And, then one day – by the slightest shift in perspective– the heart becomes our guide, once again. My dears, we were born to be limitless – with dreams crafted upon the billows of darkness, and hope tucked safely ‘neath our wings.

We were born to soar.

With Faith soon displacing Doubt’s devastation, instilling within us an unshakeable knowing.

Just as the bird feels the warmth of light, even before the darkness has lifted – still she sings, my dears, she sings with all her heart.
And in her song, we find the refuge of an unbreakable spirit – valiant in her quest for carpe diem. And we too can face each day…courageously perched amongst the tallest of trees, with wings extended and eager for flight.

My dears, we were born to live the life we’ve always dreamed, but never expected. And, forgetting to say “yes” is the only thing keeping us from it. This one-syllabled gateway between all that we are, and all that we might wish to be grants to us our irrefutable permission to live.

So, find your voice, my dears – step up to your “yes.”

Say yes to the sunsets…and yes to those rains.

Say yes to the spirit that carries your dreams.

Say yes to that sweet little bump in your sashay.

And yes, to that funky little flip to your hair.

Say yes with a boldness you always knew to be there!

Say yes to all that you wished for but never quite dared.

Say yes, to all of it, my loves– every single last bit.

Go ahead, right now—say yes to the life you were always destined to live.

The Yes Book: “Born to Soar” from Tara Lemieux on Vimeo.

A Message of Not Ever Waiting.

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
– Paulo Coelho

My darlings, a reminder this gentle morning – that, in life, there is no room to wait. No second chances, no turning back.

There is only just this moment *here* – with destiny yielding to those who persevere.

And, begging us to seize with every scrap of our being, all those littler things which bring our hearts joy:

The joy of this one precious human life, finally lived.

Life can turn on a dime, my loves – so, promise me please you’ll not ever wait.

Namaste ❤️

A Little Something My Mom Once Shared with Me.

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness and cause peace to return to our hearts.”

Washington Irving

I remember when I was just a little girl, my father had purchased this piece of land deep in the woods, and far away from all the noise of the city. As he chatted on to the workers about this change and that, I took my first big long gaze of our whole new world together.

To any other observer, the property was a mess of construction—chaotic, and with no end in sight. But I never saw the piles of planks, and nails, and trash—I only saw the hope in my parent’s eyes. And through their eyes, I began to see this world.

The house was tucked far away in the woods, surrounded by many acres upon acres of thickly wooded land that drew me in with each new day—much like the moon draws the tide when it begins to rise against the night sky.

A small creek ran directly through the property, inviting me with its bubbles and burbles to follow it through to this day’s newest adventure.

These were my woods and the woods were my home.

I would often spend all day scrambling about these woods, flipping over each and every rock along that creek bed—digging my hands knuckle deep into that cold earth until my fingers were nearly black and blue, and the sun began to set.

Nighttime was always a chore for my dear mother, who spent the evening scrubbing away the details of my day—taking in all of my stories, and doing her best to calm my heart for just a bit. She never seemed to mind my excitement, smiling softly and nodding in only that way a mother knows best how to do.

And no matter what the worries of her own very long day, she always seemed to listen intently as she combed the knots from my waist long hair, while I sipped at the warm cocoa she heated just for me.

My Mom, she understood me and my amazement at this most incredible world. She understood each time I rattled on about this, or about that, that it was because I was seeing things each day in a brand new way.

There is nothing greater in this world or this life, than a mother who’ll encourage you to run and to play…to scrape up those knees, leaving yet another gaping hole in your pants.

And the best mothers will never complain about the trail of muddy footprints leading in from the outside and across her newly washed floor. And that dirt embedded so deeply under your nails? She knows this dirt will be easily scrubbed away and that scrubbing is a small price to pay for a grand new adventure.

Mothers always seem to know just what to say, when your heart crashes suddenly into a million pieces onto life’s floor.

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.“

Because, mothers are just kind of built with that much love. They are the foundation to our world, and a constant source of unconditional love.

These days, I’m all grown up and a mother myself—but I shall never forget the lessons my mother shared with me.

“Live each day, fully and completely. Smile, in the sunshine and in the rain. Love with all and everything you’ve got.

The world is full and filled with a most brilliant magic and for only those who are willing to see.

And, to those who can see—adventure awaits. So go on, get out there and squeeze the ‘carpe diem’ out of this day.

And, don’t worry so much about getting dirt stuck between your toes.”

Namaste and Happy Mother’s Day—to every single mother out there…and all of that dirt they’ve helped to wash away.

Living Fully for the Moment.

“Live each day as if your life had just begun.” Such wise words once shared by philosopher Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. And, words which help to underpin the sanctity of this human form.

It’s easy to forget what an amazing gift life is. We wrap ourselves around the ‘troubles’ of the day, sacrificing moments to energy which has not yet manifested. At times, we are so deliberate in our intention to dissuade – to coax our thoughts into a flurry of chaos.

In doing so, we forget – we forget about what we always knew to be true.

That life is but a cosmic blink – and yet, for one brief moment we are gifted the wonders of this human life.

When you think of it that way, my loves – you realize just how amazing your life really is.

“After all,” writes Neil deGrasse Tyson. “what nobler thought can one cherish than that the universe lives within us all?”

And, what better reason to find the means to live these moments fully?