
Your Most Infinite You.

Our lives contain infinite potential. Even within our most ‘whisked away’ moments, there is still a fundamental capacity towards greatness.

We know this at the very core of our being. We see it, live it, breathe it – reflected in those many myriad of moments in which the miracle of life becomes so unmistakably pronounced.

It greets us there within the faint whispers of our wondering, stating simply – “My darling, you are indeed strong enough.”

In those uncommon instances, we are surrounded by something much greater than ourselves. It is the absolute truth of our being.

My darlings, being human is not without its risks. Being human, while maintaining the integrity of a full and open heart – can seem an impossible endeavor.

In those moments, we may feel helpless, at best. Though, we are never without the capacity to rise above.

And rise we shall. We’ll drink in the testimony of each moment – every crippling hurt, every tumble inward.

Maybe that’s the point of adversity? That we might find the means to forge our way through, to become subsequently empowered – that we might never once question our resilience again.

A little something to consider, my friends ~ and thank you for the gift that is you.

Namaste and much love on this day ❤️

How the Heart Knows to Bloom.

“I suppose that flowers, when they’re through blooming, have some sort of awareness of some purpose having been served.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

I think we all have a purpose, my loves ~ as noble as the flower’s bloom. Though gentler, still she moves – casting faith towards an endless light.

Patiently she waits, with back pressed against wooden gate ~ knowing the pales of Winter may find her soon.

Until then, her heart knows only to bloom.

Namaste, my loves ~

A Peaceful Surrender.

When I was a little girl, it was difficult (read: impossible) for me to sit still. My mind was always wandering –wondering over the mysteries of this world and this life.

And, school was simply torturous; sitting for hours in rote recitation – mumbling over times tables and historic events.

Where was the adventure in that?

I’d lose myself between the breaks in the window shades. Closing my eyes, I could feel the Sun’s energy peeking in. “Come outside and play,” she’d plead.

I suppose it was my first introduction to the power of discursive mind. Though my suffering was certainly limited, it was still very real – nonetheless.

Our thoughts can be quite seductive; they lure us in, captivating with emotion and regret. Even our daydreams pull us away from the practice of mindful awareness. We crave the coziness of silence, though – at times, it seems impossible to get there from here.

Though, with practice and intention – my darlings, it *is* certainly possible.

I’m reminded of a question once asked of Buddhist nun, Sister Pine. She was asked how she maintained such an obvious sense of calm in an often chaotic world.

To which she replied: “It is by keeping in mind what I really want.”

Perhaps, that’s the key, my loves? Maintaining an awareness of that which matters most of all. To allow ourselves the space to be still, to breathe, to relax; to abide by the present moment – to free ourselves from these self-limiting habits.

And, know that freedom resides within that peaceful surrender?

A little something to consider, my loves ~ surrender to the peace, and you will find your way.

Namaste ❤️

The Gift of Self-Acceptance.

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion.” writes Nelson Mandela. “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

I’ve often wondered what causes people to hate. Specifically, what is that aspect of ‘self’ that is satisfied through the issuance of pain?

I’ve never understood the action, nor the purpose. Though, I see the stories everyday — even the youngest of children are caught in the complicated web work of humanity’s disservice.

We know it’s wrong, yet – how does it come to be? Are we simply lacking the mindfulness to appreciate, to feel, to connect? To understand that the injury we’re causing is actually an injury to self?

“An eye for an eye.” I remember my teacher saying. Though, I was only 8-years-old at the time, I still knew enough to understand — life just couldn’t be this way. Surely within us all, there’s an endless capacity to love?

“Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to cultivating loving speech and compassionate listening in order to relieve suffering and to promote reconciliation and peace in myself and among other people, ethnic and religious groups, and nations. ”

But, to do so – requires courage, forcing us to open our hearts, to experience vulnerability in the place of defensiveness.

It is the purest representation of fearlessness. And, it is absolutely paramount to the continuance of peace.

To be vulnerable implies we must reveal our most authentic self; to be potentially misunderstood, or even worse, rejected. It requires, as author Stephen Schwartz shares, “that we be fearless enough to face ourselves, our own concerns, our own hurts, our own woundedness, our own longings, over and over and over again, so that we are fearless enough to face the hurt, the wounds, and the longings of someone else.”

That is the true work to our healing. As, to accept another – we must find acceptance for self.

Is it possible to share love where once there was hate? I believe so, my loves ~ more now, than I’ve ever before. Though, we must be willing to open up to it.

A little something to consider on this day, my loves ~

Namaste and peace to all ❤️

Finding Wonderland.

I’d like to ask for a bit of departure this morning, my loves.

So often we become trapped by the energy of our own anxiety. We struggle to find the means to escape, desperate to disengage from the unease.

We try to impart a solution where maybe there is none. We expect immediacy in a space only time might resolve. We twiddle our thumbs in angst; traveling even further away from this presence of self.

Oh, we all feel it, too.

My goodness, even Alice fell victim to the ‘rabbit hole’. And though she tried desperately to disentangle – a potion here, a nibble of cake there; ironically, it wasn’t until she finally relaxed – that she began to see her ‘Wonderland’.

So the exercise this morning, my loves:

Next time you feel the energy of unsettledness, ask yourself: “How much of this is perceived, and how much is real?”

That is to say, try to separate that which is happening in this moment, right now – from your perception of what MIGHT come to be.

Instead of lamenting, “I might lose my home” – try to remind yourself, “Today, I have a roof over my head.”

Though worry might try to steal you away; it can not rob you of this moment now.

Namaste, my loves ~ ❤️

From Adversity, We Grow.

My darlings, what do we do when the heart falls to pieces?

Do we cower inward for fear of making worse – or, do we stand tall to face the challenge of the day? Either way, we must venture forward through even the most uncertain of times.

And, why?

Because, it’s within this adversity that our spirit is formed. Molded and shaped by way of life’s circumstance; tempered through the nature of our being.

It is the soul’s work to see us through; to impart a sense of deepened compassion – laying hope within uncertainty’s tread.

And we are made better for having endured it. Aspects of self not yet fully known, are in an instant – suddenly revealed.

Not every moment is perfect, my loves. Just remember, it’s the imperfection that forces us to grow.

A little something to consider on this day, my friends.

Namaste and peace to all…❤️

With Curiosity, We Begin to Live.

“Why does your hand shake?”

I looked down to see the most beautiful young girl – she couldn’t have been more than four years old, and with such a captivating sparkle of curiosity in her eyes.

The mother, trying her best to ‘control’ the situation, scolded; “Jenna, that’s so rude!”, grabbing the little one by her hand.

“It’s ok,” I smiled – offering my very best, ‘just right for little ones’ explanation.

We are born curious, my loves. With eyes opened to the marvels of this world, to experience without yet the burdens of thinking mind.

We’d soak it all in, every last bit – with each new day offering itself unconditionally to the filling up of our curious souls.

We’d wander for hours along unchartered trails. Destination was never our purpose; rather, to capture the nature of the fearless explorer.

We’d climb trees, “risking our lives”, simply for a better look. Our days were marked by the eventual fading of sun, and the dreams that would carry us through to morning.

We had hope simply for hope’s sake. We believed in things we couldn’t yet see. We saw beyond the covering of night, and into the enchantment of the starry skies.

“And whosoever loves much performs much,” shared artist, Vincent Van Gogh.

Oh, and how we loved – unconditionally and with all of our heart. We didn’t worry about pain or loss. We took it all in, every last drop.

And, it all began with our need to wonder why.

“Does it hurt you on the inside?” she asked.

“Not at all, my love.” I smiled. “In fact, someday you’ll understand that my shaking brings me moments just like this.”

I think she got the answer she was looking for, at least – for now. Though, I pray she has ten million more.

Let the little ones be curious, my darlings – because, that is what our world needs most of all.

Namaste. ❤️

With Courage Enough to Grow.

Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote, that “the essence of all beautiful art, of all great art, is gratitude.”

To that end, I’ve often wondered if the world isn’t also our ‘canvas’ – a tapestry of endless greens and golds and crimson reds waiting for the gracious mind to reveal it.

I think quite often of this energy of gratitude — knowing, that in a single, instance we might be gifted the opportunity to uplift, to inspire, to transcend.

To see this world, and everything in it – as truly sacred, once again.

Though, in order to foster gratitude, we must be fearless – unafraid of past injustice, and willing to venture courageously into the ‘unknown’.

Oh, but far easier said than done – now, isn’t it?

For, even with the greatest of intention, we may still fall victim to Doubt’s heavier hand.

I’m reminded of a Buddhist prayer, I do hope you’ll forgive my paraphrase: “May I be gifted difficulty so that my heart may open to compassion.”

My darlings, can you imagine wishing for something like that? To invite the challenge of hardship and suffering, simply that the heart may expand its capacity to ‘swell’.

“If we cannot be happy in spite of our difficulties,” asks Maha Ghosananda. “then, what good is our spiritual practice?”

In the Buddhist tradition, we are reminded that life is comprised of “10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows” — and, that we exist, in perpetual balance, between the two.

And though, we may hope for loving-kindness around each corner, the truth is – that life isn’t always as welcoming as we might wish. There may be pain, upset, and life-altering circumstances. Though, likewise, there is always a place for peace.

And, it’s gratitude which forms the ‘bridge’ which carries the soul to greatness.

“As gratitude grows it gives rise to joy.” shares Buddhist teacher, Jack Kornfield. “We can be joyful for people we love, for moments of goodness, for sunlight and trees, and for the breath within our breast. And as our joy grows we finally discover a happiness without cause. Like an innocent child who does not have to do anything to be happy, we can rejoice in life itself, in being alive.”

My darlings, can you imagine a joy just as this? Absent the burden of emotional judgement, and brimming with an unconditional, loving awareness.

In seeing this world as continuously new, my darlings – only then can we know the depths of our own inner-gratitude.

Namaste, my dearest loves ~ and, on this day, I wish your heart courage enough to grow.


From the Outside, Looking In.

I watched a young man this morning from my window. He was trying desperately to load packages into his car. The ‘offending bundle’? A loosely tied, plum colored yoga mat.

The young man cursed, as the make-shift Velcro band caught on a piece of metal extending from the car’s back trunk. In spite of his efforts (which were quite comical, I assure you) – the mat, with what seemed to be a ‘mind of its own’, unfurled to a puddle below.

He must have heard me giggling from the open window. “Can you believe I’m going to meditation class?” he sighed. “I’m trying to learn how to slow down.”

“Yes,” I smiled. “Darling, I know. But, can’t you see the ironic? You need to slow down, but you’re in such a hurry to get there.”

He dropped his head, and began to laugh. “My name’s Austin,” he said. “You got any more of that coffee?”

We sat for a bit, as he sipped and shared a recent story of his woes. “I feel lost,” he said. “Restless, like this life isn’t the one I’m supposed to be living.”

My darlings, why do we often feel so separate from self? We view things in such a limited, binary scale -convinced that it either is, or it isn’t.

But, that’s not all there is to it, my loves. In this life, there is so much more.

Our minds are so quick to categorize, that we fail to see the possibility in these seemingly limited circumstances.

This young man, for example, had already resigned himself to a destiny — without first considering the prospect of ‘that which can not yet be seen.’

And, we want it right now – don’t we? This peace of mind, these further off fleeting life dreams – we’re in such a hurry, that we fail to live this ‘right now’ fully.

Is it any wonder why we often feel our lives are left unfulfilled? We search outside of ourselves for an answer that is always within. We seek contentment through false means – preferring a lecture over a good hard look within.

“What makes you happiest?” I asked the young man.

“This, just this.” he smiled, cradling the hot mug between his hands as he watched the steam rise in playful dance.

“Then, what’s keeping you away, my dearest?”

Sometimes the path to simplicity is one of the more simpler ones; a hot mug, a talk with a stranger, now friend – my darlings, isn’t that the path to fulfillment?

A little something to consider on this day ~


Stepping Outside of Our Self-Imposed Cage.

“The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom.”
– Maya Angelou

I once read a story about a young tigress who was presented to President Eisenhower when she was still just a cub.

Her name was Mohini, meaning ‘enchantress’ – and, she was considered one of the rarest white tigers in all the world. Her lineage was mostly unknown, though it was presumed that she was descendant of Mohan, who was captured as a cub by the Maharaja of Rewa.

She was gifted, in part, due to her uniqueness of color – as one reporter described, “her black stripes fading to brown, against a coat of eggshell white.” She was intended to serve as a symbol of loyalty, and to offer hope to the children of America.

Though sadly, she was confined to a 12 by 12 foot cement enclosure within the Washington DC National Zoo. Oh, how foolish we were to think that hope could be caged.

Mohini spent many of her days pacing anxiously back and forth, until one day – when caretakers were finally able to provide her a much more suitable location.

Covering several acres, the new habitat boasted acres upon acres of rolling hills, magnificent shade trees – and even a small pond. Everything, they presumed, a tiger of such regal stature might wish.

On the day of her ‘release’, crowds gathered from all around; both young and old waiting to witness the moment of Mohini’s freedom.

Though, something quite unexpected occurred when they finally lifted the gate.

Rather than venturing outwards into the vastness of this new open space, Mohini instead retreated to the farthest back corner of the area – where she lived out the remainder of her days pacing anxiously in that very same 12 by 12 foot space. No matter how hard the caretakers tried, they just couldn’t break Mohini from the habit of her mental cage.

Perhaps, we are all like Mohini in a way? Meaning, even though we know the expansiveness of a ‘far and open space’, still – we pace; far too circumspect to venture outward into this world.

We have such a habit of struggling, don’t we? At times, it seems – we just can not resist. Why, even something as simple as falling to sleep, can instantly become wrought with worry. Even at rest, we toss…we turn…we struggle inward.

The habit of struggle has become such a powerful force; shaping our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions. We cage ourselves in with thoughts of insecurity and doubt, until fear becomes our final fortress.

As uncomfortable as it may seem, we must find the means to embrace the possibilities before us; only then, can we finally know the true taste of freedom.

Perhaps, liberation exists within the breath?

“Breathing in, I’m aware of my heart. Breathing out, I smile to my heart. ”

So, go on now – take a moment to breathe.

Take long walks along crimson-lines paths. Think about how long forever actually is. But above and beyond all and everything else, remember…

Live the life you’ve always dreamed, but never dared.

After all, my darlings – isn’t it time you stepped outside of this self-imposed cage?