
The Lesson of Stream.

I was reminded of a passage from one of my favorite children’s stories. From A.A. Milne, The House at Pooh Corner:

“By the time it came to the edge of the Forest, the stream had grown up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle along as it used to do when it was younger, but moved more slowly. For it knew now where it was going, and it said to itself, ‘There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.’ But all the little streams higher up in the Forest went this way and that, quickly, eagerly, having so much to find out before it was too late.”

As the story is told, the curious bear sat perched upon a bridge – watching the waters whisk briskly below.

At first one, then another pine cone dropped to the water as Pooh raced to view their passage from the other side. With each he noted an entirely different course, one that seemed to incorporate the whimsy of ‘stream’.

It was a ‘drowsy summer afternoon, and the Forest was full of gentle sounds’, he reflected, including that of both happenstance and purpose.

It was the first in a long line of zen observations, that of letting things happen in much their own way.

In this story, the water is a metaphor for spirit; while the bubbling brook, a manifestation of being.

We all struggle with this, my loves – from time to time. We inherently plan, we must know in advance. Though, sometimes only the best adventures evolve from this space of letting go.

Though, “sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.”

In peace, my loves ~

Namaste ❤️

Untangling the Anger Knots.

I found myself in an uncustomarily angry mood this morning. I was enraged, actually – which is not generally my habit, save for those few short moments when life pushes me to the test.

My son was recently critically injured. A piece of steel entered his body just below the belt line – destroying all structure that dared to impede its path. Were it not for the actions of one brave ‘quick thinker’ – I’m certain the outcome would have been death.

That’s a lot to process for a sometimes over-protective ‘Mama Bear’, though – I raised him to embrace life without limits.

There’s a risk implied for those with courage. Likewise, there is immeasurable reward.

I was angriest with those who hadn’t yet stepped forward to offer a kindness in this space of uncertainty.

“You need to let it go,” someone said to me. I walked away feeling the tears welling up in my eyes.

And then I remembered the Buddha’s most fundamental teaching – that is, in order to experience happiness we must first free ourselves.

The practice encourages this path, and – these moments where our edges are further abraded? They are one of the greatest blessings of all.

Anger, in and of itself, is a bond – like a tightened knot it restricts our capacity to experience true freedom.

And though these feelings may be valid, of course – in the end we must choose whether to loosen that knot.

Though, to do so – we must be willing to approach with the heart of tender loving-kindness.

Whether the actions of another or our own tangled perceptions, we greet all with the energy of equanimity. As, these moments are intended to challenge our present understanding, and broaden the aperture by which we view this world.

And, knowing this, I can begin the work to truly know myself.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

This Newness of Soul.

We need to adopt a new way of thinking, my loves. One in which the soul is centered, making room to displace the false impressions of this world.

We need to step away from the distractions – the upset of past and the apprehension of future – and, into the ‘hereness’ of this moment now.

We need to engage ourselves in such a way, that we are awakened to the miracles which surround. The softness of dew against roughened blade, the grace in the lilt of the Meadowlark’s song.

Duality encompasses our every thought, and yet we must find our place – outside the boundaries of these self-imposed ‘prison walls.’

Be brave, my loves – abandon those thoughts which keep you helplessly tethered, and anchored to the selfsame source of your suffering.

After all, ours is the role of fearless explorer.

As Rumi so eloquently reminds;

“Oh soul,
you worry too much,
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less,
why do you worry?
You are in truth
the soul, of the soul, of the soul.”

With boundless blessings of joy to you, my friends…

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

For the Benefit of Sun.

“You are life without boundaries,” shares Thich Nhat Hanh. “Because you are alive, everything is possible.”

And, as I sit at the window admiring the determination of peonies, I think – “They must know the true nature of self.”

For even as their roots are mired in an often unforgiving earth, still – they rise.

They rise simply for the benefit of sun.

Sometimes, I wonder if we, ourselves, share the same awareness. That is to say, do we truly understand the capacity of one human soul?

While certainly, as humans, we are not without form. Yet, there is something greater still; an inexhaustible joy.

“Let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;” writes Kahlil Gibran. “And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.”

Our ‘mistake’, perhaps for lack of better term – is trying to objectify that which is truly immeasurable.

Yes, we are physical beings. And, yet – we are so much more.

We are the fullness of our interconnection. We are grace in human form.

And, as I watch their fragile leaves break through the boundaries of ‘ground’, I’m reminded;

We are both the flower and the earth.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

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The Nature of Change.

I was thinking this morning about the nature of change. Specifically, how quickly our lives may shift – often, without regard to our spiritual readiness.

Each day, we find ourselves thrust into the sweeping expanse we call uncertainty. Our minds race to calculate probability, though realistically – how can we ever dare to presume the outcome of that which has yet to be?

We gravitate towards solid ground, inherently averse to the unsteadiness of change. Sometimes, we might even go so far as to wish – “If only things could just stay this way.”

And yet, our heart’s desire seldom wanes. Where the mind may encourage us to stay, the spirit urges – “go, go, go…”

Buddhism teaches us that this is the nature of reality; that we should work to embrace the energy of weightlessness – that sense of being ‘suspended mid-air.’ And yet, when presented the opportunity – our nature is to shield.

As children, we often learn to want for something else. Whether, the approval of our parents, or the security of having ‘done the right thing’ – our minds become calibrated to an external measure of happiness.

Though, as Suzuki Roshi once shared, that we gain strength through the practice of change. That ‘self’ is but a ‘swinging door’ changing upon each exhale.

“Waves are the practice of the water,” he writes.

And, our emotions are very much the same.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

In Helping Another.

I once had a conversation with a homeless man on the streets of Washington D.C. I’d passed him several times per day, always stopping ensure his care. He was a veteran of a foreign war, and to than end I felt compelled – to look after someone who once sacrificed for all.

A storm was approaching, and the winds were beginning their icy protest.

“The winters must be the hardest part,” I naively presumed.

“Not even close,” he replied with eyes forced to ground. “Feeling invisible is.”

I think sometimes, it’s easier to walk away; to assume that it is neither our place, nor responsively. And, we may be fooled to think that ours is not nearly enough. After all, how can we change an entire life in a single day?

But, what we fail to realize is something much more profound – that is, a simple kindness can go a long, long way.

To share a warm beverage on a cold winter’s day…or, an overcoat to help shield the bitter winds?

Though, perhaps the greatest gift we might ever provide – is that of our simple presence.

Through kindness, we encourage passage through a frightening and desolate place. Through kindness, we offer hope where there may be none.

Author, Wallace Stegner once wrote, “Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and, only the uprooted can comprehend.”

Perhaps, we’re fearful to connect with that which we do not understand. Perhaps, the effort of passing is ‘easier, after all.’

Or, perhaps within their faces we recognize the shadows of our own deepest fears?

Though truthfully, we only ‘have’ what we give.

A little something to consider, my friends ~ do we walk away, and miss that chance to find joy in another’s story?

In doing so, we’d miss the opportunity to potentially enrich ourselves.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

That Which We Are.

I was thinking this morning about a message received. Specifically, that nothing is ‘meant to be.’

That is to say, in all of our dealings there’s ultimately a power assigned to you, and you alone, on this journey.

And, that’s not to discount the matter of happenstance and those much higher forces at play.

So often, we feel victimized by our circumstances. Though, ultimately we are surrounded by actions cultivated upon the intentions of heart.

“The heart surrenders everything to the moment,” shares Ram Dass. “The mind judges and holds back.”

Think of those moments, darlings ~ those instances of regret – in which mind prevented your engagement with bliss.

You are not the victim, my loves. Rather, you are the architect and creator of your very own story.

A little something to consider, my friends ~ is it destiny or a merely a decision?

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Letting the Practice Become the Joy.

“Joy does not exist outside of the breathing,” writes Thich Nhat Hanh. “The breathing is joy itself.”

His message is intended to reinforce an often ‘missed’ point. That is to say, in practicing we become the practice. Every moment refined by stillness underpins the true essence of mindfulness. As such, even something as simple as breath become the means by which we learn to embrace and transform our suffering.

Likewise, it serves as a reminder that practice needn’t precede joy. As such, we must learn to manifest as one in the same.

Just as our breath becomes the joy, so too may our suffering be likewise transmuted. It is this very realization that allows us to connect to the vitality of this present moment.

This physical realm is neither an obstacle nor a hindrance; rather, it is the means itself.

“People who study the path clearly know there is such a thing,” shares Zen master, Foyan. “why do they fail to get the message, and go on doubting? It is as though you have an eye that sees all forms, but does not see itself. This is how the mind is. its light penetrates everywhere and engulfs everything. So, why does it not know itself?”

A little something to consider on this day, my loves – and a reminder that we mustn’t allow our practice to become our impediment.

In peace…

Namaste <3

We Are What We Let In.

I have a confession to share with you, my loves ~ I didn’t want to write today.

I was tired from this past week’s events and the struggles of finding my balance again.

But, then I settled in – poured a cup, and thoughtfully read through each of your loving thoughts. With every word, I felt my energy restored – a certain proof that the energy of kindness is truly boundless.

I’ve often felt that what we give is returned; though – that’s only a half-truth, my loves. As, a boundless energy continuously surrounds – infusing every action, every single response. Connecting that which is, as of yet, ‘unseen’ – at least, that which is observable by a scientific eye.

Yet, how often do we pause to consider? To think about the subtlety of these undercurrents? But for those momentary reflections, when all and everything seems so perfectly ‘at peace’.

Sadly, we believe it to be separate. Though, what if I told you – this boundless energy is precisely who you are.

Inseparable, it seems…and, proving…

We aren’t what we put out, my loves – we are what we let in.

Thank you for the generosity of your light today, my darlings ~ it helped in ways you’ll never know.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

The Practice of You.

What does it mean to be patient, my loves?

Is it simply a gentle pause, or something much deeper still? And, more so, why is it so difficult to effect?

Perhaps, we feel we are giving something away? That our tempering of response is self-limiting?

Oh, if only we could see that quite the opposite is true? Than in extending our hands we are growing our own heart in return.

The Buddha encouraged us to engage our vulnerabilities; to transform this energy and cultivate a path of gratitude.

Though, in doing so we must exercise a substantial amount of courage, one which requires a willingness to be humbled in the face of challenge.

And, we may feel exhausted by these efforts. And, we may sense that our efforts are truly in vain.


It is precisely this continuous growing of heart, my loves – which helps to heal our own wounds.

“The more we care for the happiness of others,” shares His Holiness the Dalai Lama. “(and) the greater our own sense of well-being becomes.”

Indeed, my loves ~ as we do unto others, so shall we serve ourselves

In peace…

Namaste ❤️