Of Reason and Rest.

The Buddha taught of our entanglements that they are largely self-inflicted. We see this evidenced through our pervasive thought, an often incessant inner prattling on. Or, the manner in which another’s words effect us – the mere suggestion of judgement wreaking havoc in our heart.

In The Cycle of Arising Conditions he further explains, that we are either bound by or freed from these permeations of thought.

Bringing consciousness to thought is critical to our awakening, yet absent the discipline of self compassion we are navigating largely ‘in the blind’.  Our reaction, at times, becoming the means to our entanglement – our thoughts predicating action before reason.

Though, how do we learn to effect a pause when ages-old fears threaten our peace? Do we succumb to the panic or openly engage?

When I was much younger, I remember resting on a beach – the sound of the crashing waves soon lulling me to sleep. When the heart is open we learn to allow – much like the waves, we allow their presence without grasping or aversion. Their rhythm becoming much like a second heart beat, as much a part of us as our own.

In their measure we begin to rediscover a sense of order amidst the ‘chaos’.

In peace…

Namaste ❣️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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  • In the Economy of Happiness where the Solstice must know Sirius and yet Merry is the Crossing , We find Kine ballast such as .. Mindfully Musing gS

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