This Journey of Heart.

I remember the day I met His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. He had such a warmth of kindness about him; as if all the world’s compassion had found a single point of entry.

In his smile, he radiated a consciousness of heart, and a connection to the ‘goodness’ inherent to all.

I felt a bit like a scared pup when he first entered the room. Though, as he turned to bow towards me the boundaries of perception drifted away.

“The Dalai Lama won’t be here for much longer,” he shared. “It’s up to you to carry on this legacy. You have the responsibility to create a new world based on the concept of one humanity.”

He looked to me, and smiled again – as if to say, “your destiny is here.”

The circumstances of this day were extraordinary, to say the least – someone knew of another person, who in turn reached out to me. At times, I struggle to understand how it all came to be. But nevertheless, it was – and, today ‘just is.’

Something changed within me that day; perhaps, more accurately – the truth within me awakened. I realized my destiny, my purpose. Though subtle, at first – through the offering of baked treats, a morning coffee and patient ear – in time, it grew. And I became who I am today.

I think of His Holiness quite often these days; knowing now, more than ever – our meeting wasn’t by chance.

I think of my struggles over this past year – this continual degradation of health, the upset of not knowing and the loss of those dearest to me.

And, as I sit here today cursing the dreadful inconvenience of these presently non-functioning legs – I wonder,

Is this part of my path, too?

A reminder that this journey of heart is never neatly forged.

His Holiness himself once traversed an ‘impassable’ terrain to deliver his truth. In some ways, his struggle is common to us all – that we must transcend these trappings of mind to extend heart into hope, and hope to all beings.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️



Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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